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Dinacharya : A Sacred daily routine (An art of Ayurveda way of living)


Ayurveda is an age old science that emphasize on maintaining good health as well as cure of disease too.

According to Ayurveda Dinacharya is a daily routine that promotes self care through activities. Dinacharya help us to understand a proper time to perform our daily activities like waking up, walking, bathing, exercise, eating, sleeping and other activities. It is necessary to follow a proper daily routine to maintain a healthy body and mind.

By following a proper Dinacharya we can regularize our biological clock with the rhythm of nature. this way we can benefit our health in several way.

Dinacharya - Daily dosha cycle according to Ayurveda 

1. First cycle - Sunrise to sunset

2. Second cycle - sunset to sunrise

During the both cycles our particular energies remains dominant in our body. this specific energies are known as DOSHAS i.e. VAAT, PITTA & KAPHA. These doshas determines our body type according to their dominance in our body. while balance in these energies maintains healthy status of our body, any imbalance can causes a disease.

A proper dincharya helps us to maintain balance between these doshas.

First cycle of day -

  • 6 am    - 10 am  -  Kapha
  • 10 am  - 2 pm    -  Pitta
  • 2 pm    - 6 pm    -  Vaat
Second cycle of day -

  • 6 pm   - 10 pm - Kapha
  • 10 pm - 2 am -   Pitta
  • 2 am   - 6 am -   Vaat

Dinacharya as per Ayurveda

1. Waking up

According to dincharya the healthy person should get up from his sleep in the Brahma muhurta. Any time from 3:00 am to 6:00 am is considered as a ideal time to get up from bed and to start your day. If someone finds that the food taken in the previous night is not digested properly he may sleep for some more time but not beyond sunrise. 

2. Evacuation

After getting the urge of evacuation naturally, the person should eliminate silently. urge should not be initiated forcefully.  it should be attended immediately while its commence naturally. urges should never be suppressed, otherwise it may give origin to many diseases.

3. Cleansing of your senses

In order to cleansing , your sense organ should be cleaned thoroughly. Wash your face with cold water.  Brush your teeth and clean gum by gently rubbing them. Neem datun can be chewed to clean your teeth, it helps to get reed of bed breath as well. Next the tongue should be cleaned by gently scrapping it with the help of tongue cleaner.  this will remove dirt from tongue and mouth. it produces better taste and helps to enhance your buds.

4. Slash your eyes with water

Keeping the mouth filled with water the eyes should be slashed with water. Splashing of eyes with cold water helps to reduce the tension and tiredness of eyes and improves vision. During winter season slightly lukewarm water can be used to wash eyes but hot water should never be used.

5. Morning prayer

morning prayer should be one after that.

6. Nasal drops and mouth oil pulling

Anu tail/ sesame oil should be put into nose daily. it helps to clean nasal sinuses, helps to keep facial skin moist and devoid of wrinkles, it helps to prevent early greying of hair and makes voice pleasant.

mouth oil pulling for a few minutes in morning helps to prevent roughness of lips, dryness of mouth and prevents diseases of teeth and disorders of voice. 

Gargling with warm water helps to keep mouth clean and good.

7. Oil massage 

Body massage should be taken daily with suitable and pleasant body oils. massaging your body with oils helps to retain moisture in body also makes skin glowing and prevents wrinkles. it relieves tiredness and makes muscle strong.

8. Exercise

Exercise should be done daily in form of Yoga or any aerobic activities. Exercise produces lightness of body, increases stamina and work capacity, keen appetite, reduces fat and makes muscles firm and distinct. After exercise oil massage can be taken.

9. Bathe

Bathing keeps body clean and pleasant. It helps t relieve tiredness too. cold water should be used to bath hair and face while lukewarm water can be used to take bath below the head. Using hot water for head wash can cause hairfall and diminishes the strength of hair.

10. Taking Food

Food should be taken without hurry. Food should be chewed properly to ensure a good digestion. Sips of water can be taken in between for proper digestion. Food should not be eaten till full capacity, 1/4 th part of stomach should be kept empty for proper digestion and absorption. Day time sleeping should be avoided and light walk should be taken after sometime of having food. 

11. Unwind

After finishing the all day work, it is very important to relax your body and having a sound sleep. The person should close his eye, enlighten room with fragrant candles, listening to soothing music or mantras and should tries to keep himself calm and relaxed. Sound sleep could be induced this way.

Benefits of Dinacharya

  • It helps to reconnect and co ordinate your body clock with the rhythm of nature.
  • A proper dinacharya ensures a healthy lifestyle and promotes longevity too.
  • keeps your digestion healthy.
  • it helps to Prevents diseases.
  • Exercise and massaging and meditation helps to relieve stress.
  • Meditation helps to bring peace of mind and brings happiness in turn.
  • It helps to maintaining discipline in your routine.
  • It helps to increase your performance at work too, develops stamina.


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