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7 Tips To Stay Healthy And Fit During Winter Season

 Winter is a beautiful and pleasant season. Almost everyone of us remains busy in attending various functions, celebrations, get together with family and friends, travelling and etc etc. However some of us spend whole day in a warm & cozy room while some people enjoys sunbath and other outdoor activities. Some people loves to hang out with friends in late evenings and enjoys bonfire in chilled nights.

During the winter season all the area around us appears smoky with covering of thick mist, sun is also covered likewise and cold breezes blows everywhere. Days are shorter and nights are longer.

 Some people enjoys the chilled weather, while some individuals faces aggravation in their pre existing health diseases. Ailments like Allergies, bronchial asthma, sinusitis, body and joint pains are  generally seen diseases in these days. Seasonal cough and cold are also very common.

Ayurveda provides us a very meaningful insight to stay healthy and fit during the winter season.  Seasonal regimen is a beautiful gift of Ayurveda that gives a way to align our body with the clock of nature. So here are the the few simple tips to follow in winter season to keep  body healthy and stay away from winter blues.


It is very common to have dry and itchy skin during winters. Some people experiences skin allergies, eczema, dry and exfoliating skin, chapped lips, cracked heals etc. Warm and herbal oil massage can help us to combat winter dryness and pain also. Mustard and sesame oils are good options for massage . Massage with these oils can keep our body warm. Also gives strength and tone up muscles too.


Taking sun bath after oil massage is a wonderful thing. Warmth of sunrays keeps cold away and provides Vitamin D to our body. Vitamin D is essential to boost our immunity. It keeps our bones strong and healthy. It also plays a major role in maintaining a healthy skin and nervous system. Our body synthesize vitamin D in presence of sunlight only.


Many people feel lethargic due to chilling weather. Regular exercise helps to remain active and healthy during these lazy days. As per Ayurveda during winter season our body have maximum strength and energy. So we can use this energy to burn our excess calories. Yoga and meditation can also be practiced to enhance immunity ,toning up muscles & calm down the mind.


Having body steaming after oil massage is beneficial for skin. It helps open up body pores and flush out the toxins from our body. Warm water must be used for bathing.


During winters it is very important to keep  body hydrated and moist. Lukewarm water should be used for drinking. We should consume vegetable soups , chicken soup, shorba like liquids. Oily snacks and deep fried food can be taken during this season. MILK consumption is also recommended in this season. You can have fresh turmeric boiled milk to boost up your immunity. It helps to keep seasonal allergy at bay. Sugarcane juice and other healthy drinks can also be taken.


According to the Ayurveda references during winter season our body has a very good capacity to digest those food which are very heavy and hard by nature. So we should consume heavy and nutritious food in this season to satisfy our strong digestive fire. Otherwise our body will become weak and debilitated.

Sea food, Fish, Chicken, Mutton, eggs, muscle fats can be included in diet.

Products of black gram, newly harvested grains , sweets and other heavy foods are ideal to consume in this season.

Likewise lot of vegetables and fruits also be eaten.


A sound sleep has a very important role to keep our body healthy. So regular meditation should be practiced to induce a sound sleep. After winding off the day get 6-8 hours sleep in a warm and cozy room. Use Room heaters, warm blankets and winter cloths to keep body warm. Everyone love to sleep in winter season.  A glass full of warm milk can be taken before bedtime. However try to avoid caffeinated drinks in late evenings. It can make your night sleepless.

So Follow The Above Tips To Make Your Winters Happy & Healthy !




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